Wars are long and arduous. This one is no exception, and Big, Bad Bush never deceived you into thinking it was.
"In the months ahead, our patience will be one of our strengths -- patience with the long waits that will result from tighter security; patience and understanding that it will take time to achieve our goals; patience in all the sacrifices that may come." This quote came from President Bush on October 7, 2001, less than a month after the attack on the world trade center and pentagon. In this speech, given from the White House Treaty Room, Bush announced to the world that a strategic bombing of Afghanistan was underway. This was the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom and the beginning of the global war on terror. No one in the Bush administrations said it would be easy. They in fact said the opposite. Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of the liberal bullshit about the President leading us to believe war would be a cakewalk. (See MSNBC blog: Altercation) The current administration was as clear about the danger, difficulty and necessary discipline ahead as any other in history.
Also misinterpreted by the lefties was President Bush's "Mission accomplished" address on the flight deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003. In the speech, the President clearly explained the state of the war saying, "The enemies of freedom are not idle, and neither are we." He said, "The war on terror is not over, yet it is not endless. We do not know the day of final victory, but we have seen the turning of the tide."
In conclusion, President George "dubya" Bush has said over and over that the U.S. will leave when democracy arrives. No sooner. No later. We're in for the long haul, but everybody knew that from the beginning when Bush's approval rating was at a full 73% and they new it when they re-elected him in 2004.
We liked it when he spoke of hard work and sacrifice, just not when we really had to do it.